Have you considered bathing as a form of body worship. Types of body worship are as varied as the sensual parts of a body itself. From the purely erotic to the disciplined submissive, body worship is a sexual fetish with a broad enough range of elements and specifics to be attractive to almost everyone.
One of the more sensual styles of body worship is bathing. A tub full of bubbles, a cloth, and a pair of willing participants, can turn a simple indulgence into hours of sensual and pleasurable play.
Some elements of bathing as a form of body worship are below. Use them as a foundation, a guide or discussion points to create your own. Grab two towels, maybe robes, get the water started and let’s get soaking wet!
Practitioners who regularly use bathing as a form of body worship believe the preparation for the bath is every bit as much a part of the worshiping process as the bathing itself. Each element must be just right, from the temperature of the water, to the texture of the towels that are the finishing caress at the end of the bath.
Bath salts or oils are delicious additions to please and soften the body you will soon be worshiping. Bath pillows, candles and soothing music are also extras to please and should be used in whatever creative way possible.
It’s best to gently guide the body you will be worshiping into the bath, letting the scented waves of warming liquid wash over her toes, feet, legs and teasingly lap at her pussy as you slide her in.
Cup the water with your hands and slowly pour it over her body. Let it run down her shoulders and over her nipples. Let it wash down her neck and stream down her back.
The opening dip is meant to pamper, to caress, getting her gently intoxicated by the smells and liquid warmth of the bath. Bathing is one of the best forms of body worship!
This is the most sensual part of the bath, the element where your strokes, your caresses, the way you lather, the way you rinse, are all delightfully wet opportunities to worship her body and let her know how much you appreciate every inch of her.
Perhaps begin with a body lather, where you sensually wash her legs, spread her toes and wash in-between. Lather the mounds of her breasts, gently pushing the foam around her areolas and letting the washcloth stroke across her nipples. Use slow, arousing, strokes with the cloth. Dip the cloth under the water and wash her pussy, stopping to gently clean her clit and lips.
Wash the silky lengths of her leg and soft palms of her hands. Explore and worship every inch of her.
While the scented water keeps her warm and you are cleaning the body you worship, why not add some sensual stimulation? Let your lips run along her feet, kiss her toes, her ankles. Lick her sudsy nipples, help lift her lower body out of the water and softy kiss her clit and lips.
The point to the wash is to arouse, worship, and pleasure so make sure no toe goes un-licked, no nipple un-caressed, no ass un-lathered. The longer you linger on each area of her body, the more she will know how worshiped she is.
The sensual strokes and caresses of a body worship bath lead to heightened foreplay and fucking, so go with it. If part of worshiping her vagina if fingering her hole, then slip it in and pump her till she cums.
The afterbath, is another form of body worship, the drying off and powdering, the lotioning or oiling of the body, is the final sensual piece of the worshiping experience. There are several products geared to pamper a person after a bath, lush creams and body oils, feather dusters and silky powders, are perfect tools for a body worshiper to show how revered the person’s body is
First towel dry the worshipped body. Make the drying as sensual and pleasing and experience as the bath was. Linger over the curves of her ass, her nipple, her lovely feet. You’ll be towel drying her to a turn on for both of you.
Move on to the feather duster and body powder or the after bath oil. Tickle or massage your way to more worshiping pleasure, down her back, over her arms, around her pussy.
As with any body worshiping experience, the submissive/permissive element to body worship can be incorporated where from start to finish, each bath preparation, to every wash touch or stroke, and each drying with the towel, you must ask permission from the person you are worshiping to do it.
This disciplined element may also contain the restraint from sexual stimulation and pleasure during body worship, principally your own.
Ready to start your bath worship?
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