Ass Worship: A How-To For Submissives

By Goddess Rachel of


You may not have an ass worship fetish, but if you are a submissive, know that barring hard boundaries discussed at the time of your commitment to servitude, you must be prepared to entertain, honor, and obey your Mistress in all things. Depending on the Mistress, this will likely include the worship of Her ass.

But Mistress’ ass is not just a piece of meat for you to maul. You know that intellectually, so make sure your technique and training is consistent with that knowledge.


There are four main components to a proficient submissive ass worshiper:

  1. Selflessness
  2. Skill
  3. Obedience
  4. Enthusiasm

I will explain each component in detail, so that if you are called upon to render ass worship, your Mistress will not be disappointed that She commanded it.


Selfless Submissive Ass Worship


Selfless as in, it’s not about you. It’s not about your desires, except for your desire to serve. It’s not about your comfort. It’s not about getting you off, though that might be excused, or even allowed, if your Mistress is well enough pleased.

In light of the above, do not masturbate while worshipping Mistress’ ass unless expressly invited to do so. Your slutty boner or tingly clitty should be utterly ignored unless you are instructed otherwise.  Any attention not focused on your Mistress’ ass is attention taken away from your Mistress.

Your hands should be behind your back, at your sides, under your own ass (this position does not give you the excuse to play with it), or if directed by your Mistress, respectfully supporting or massaging Her Goddess glutes. If your Mistress takes a liking to a certain position, angle of your neck, or pressure of your tongue which you find uncomfortable, endure that discomfort. Unless there is cause to use a safeword, that is.

Hopefully you won’t be too muffled between Her cheeks for Her to hear it!


Skillful Oral Servitude


You will need a strong yet sensitive tongue, firm but soft lips, and deft control of your saliva. Prepare to offer stiff, deep lingual penetration of Mistress’ sacred rosebud as well as the lightest flicks on the outside of it. Develop the ability to kiss loud enough for the telltale *smack* to be heard, or graze your lips feather light enough to raise gooseflesh.  You can find face and tongue exercises online that, although for other purposes, will suit you well for this application, too.

Apply just enough moisture to make the sensation of skin on skin smooth. You should make sure you are well hydrated, but don’t drool. For that matter, see to the call of nature before your ass worship session, lest you inconvenience Mistress with an interruption of Her pleasure, amusement, or stimulated contemplation. Make a habit of using lip balm, and not just on ass worship days.

Cultivate a flexible but stable neck, or body for that matter, as you may be required to maintain certain positions for a protracted period of time. Excellent breath control is also essential. Yoga and swimming are both good for these. And if you are allowed to use your hands, make sure they are clean, moisturized, and fingernails trimmed. Some rudimentary education in massage can teach you to use your hands in an intuitive way.


Obedient Ass Worship


Mistress’ whim is the x-factor, so even if your mouth and nose are covered, your ears should be open and your brain attentive. At any time, your Goddess could order you to eat deeper, kiss softer, lick wetter or faster, or in a certain area only. She may issue any number of orders, or even offer subtle cues with the shift of Her weight.

A certain degree of ass worship intoxication is understandable, but if you allow yourself to become so mesmerized you lose concentration, you’ve opened the gateway to failure of submission. We know that for those with an ass worship fetish in particular, nirvana lies between Mistress’ cheeks. This is why you must remember submission and cultivate discipline to keep from becoming disobedient.

Be ever vigilant, and you will be ever obedient.


Enthusiastic Ass Eating


Or licking, or kissing, or sniffing, or even posture, are all important.

Something tells Me this will be the easiest tool to acquire for the ass worshipping submissive skillset. But let that be communicated through all the other steps above. Enthusiastically submit your mind and body. Enthusiastically use your skills as directed by Mistress, including enthusiastic subtlety. Obey enthusiastically. It will thrill Mistress to observe how you turn on a dime from one technique to the next, without Her having to direct you or correct you more than once.

Of course, if given leave to express your ardor fully, do so, without being careless of Mistress’ tender flesh or superior standing, and keeping in mind all other skills and concerns outlined above.

Following this ass worship how-to is sure to keep you in good standing as a slave or submissive, and may garner you further privileges. Fail to follow these guidelines, and you may face punishment, rejection, or worst of all, the disappointment of the Goddess who is worthy of so much more.

Now go forth, and worship your Mistress’ ass with confidence as well as devotion!